When to Go

When is the BEST Time to Take a Trip to Walt Disney World?!

This has to be one of the most asked questions we receive as an authorized Disney Travel Planner. And the answer, completely depends on YOUR personal preferences. Here I’ll break down when I think the best times to visit are - but when you use an authorized Disney Travel Planner, we’ll help you with planning so ANYTIME is the best time!

Here are my breakdowns on each month - in no particular order with pros and cons of visiting during each month.


January is traditionally a slow time of year at Walt Disney World, once Winter Break has passed. Here you will find lower crowds, more resort availability and an overall mild temperature. January usually brings in the EPCOT International Festival of the Arts - which is EPCOT’s shortest festival, and one of my personal favorites. The biggest con to visiting in January will be the weather can be on the cooler side. My last trip in January we had to wear winter coats a few nights as temperatures dipped down into the 40’s.


February is split into two crowd levels - the first half of the month tends to be slower, then the second half, crowds pick up with Spring Break, Mardi Gras and the Princess Half Marathon, which is a huge crowd draw. If you want to visit in February - I would recommend the first week as crowds will be lower. Much like January, you can have cooler temps throughout this month.


March is one of my favorite times to visit, however you have to be prepared for Spring Break crowds - as they will start to arrive in full force this month. When planning a trip in March, it is IMPORTANT to note the local spring break dates (this year, Orange County is March 10 - 19, 2023) - those are dates to AVOID a trip as they will bring out higher crowds without a doubt. What I love about March is you typically have wonderful weather, the start of EPCOT’s International Flower & Garden Festival and lower crowds if you plan your trip right (which we will HELP you do!)


Easter will be in April this year which means - BUSY BUSY BUSY! If you are visiting in April, it’s really beneficial to have a good plan in place to avoid the longer lines. Having a solid plan, and a little patience, will help your April trip be a success. The second half of the month typically tends to see crowds slow down a bit, and the Flower and Garden Festival will still be taking place at EPCOT and is a fantastic time!


If your main goal in visiting Walt Disney World is to select a month that brings low crowds - May is my TOP pick. Since most schools are still in session, crowds tend to be very low during this month. Memorial Day weekend is the only time period where you’ll see an increase in crowds, but the rest of the month is traditionally a slower time period. May can start to bring the heat, so with some good planning advice, you should pack appropriately and be OK in the hotter temps. A water park day should definitely be something you consider adding to your plans!

June / July

I am consolidating these two months together because they are VERY similar. Summer months at Walt Disney World are HIGH crowds, HIGH heat and WILD weather. For some, these are the only months that will work with school and work schedules, so if this is you - know that I just went on a week-long trip in July and had a WONDERFUL time. We had a solid plan, definitely lots of pool / water park time, and how could it be bad - we were in Disney World!! It’s just important to know that you’ll likely experience rainy weather, it’s going to be super hot and crowds will be heavier than other months - but not AS crazy as the Thanksgiving/Christmas break time period.


While August will still be HOT and have some wild weather, August brings the start of the Spooky season to the parks! The first half of August will be as busy as June/July, but with school beginning earlier in the month - the second half is much slower than the first. This year, the first Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is scheduled for August 12, 2022 - so if you visit that date or later, you’ll get amazing Halloween decor at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park.


September continues spooky season and low crowds. This is always the lowest crowd month - at least it has been for many years. This is simply because many people are just getting back to school so that is hard to pull kids right away OR because of the weather. September is peak storm season in Walt Disney World - so a good plan is vital if you are planning to visit during this month. Pack your ponchos - you’ll need them!


If you love Halloween - then plan an October visit. The weather starts to be more mild, Halloween decor is truly fantastic and crowds are moderate. You can also take advantage of the Food & Wine Festival at EPCOT - which is more enjoyable when it’s a bit cooler outside (in my humble opinion!) October can draw in larger crowds on Halloween - for example the Halloween party is already sold out that day - but generally, the month at large is a great time of year to plan a trip!


I love visiting Walt Disney World in November! There is something incredibly unique about how quickly they switch is flipped and poof - Christmas everywhere! The first two weeks of November are great to visit, as you’ll get the Christmas vibes at Disney’s Magic Kingdom and start to see Christmas trees popping up around the resort. Crowds tend to be lower these few weeks as well. Thanksgiving week is one of the BUSIEST times of the year. We have spent many Thanksgivings in Walt Disney World - and while it is insanely busy, with the right plan and mindset, it’s a magical time!


My favorite month to be in Walt Disney World. There is something absolutely magical about the holidays and Disney really brings this to life. The first two weeks of December will be lower crowds, mild temps and amazing ambiance! As you near closer to Christmas Break, crowds will pick up and the two weeks of Christmas Break are historically the busiest times of the year at Walt Disney World. I think visiting Walt Disney World in December is something everyone should experience at least one time!

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